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Higher metal prices to push exploration budgets up in 2022, says S&P Global

S&P Global Market Intelligence’s pipeline activity index points to mineral exploration budgets increasing by 5% to 10% in 2022, metals and mining analyst William Mason said in a recent online conference. The increase is not as significant as in previous years, as a projected moderate softening of most metal prices from current levels weigh on the outlook.

EXPLORATION BUDGETS GENERALLY MOVE WITH METAL PRICES, OFTEN WITH A ONE-YEAR LAG“From 2023 to 2025, we expect budgets to pull back slightly as the covid-19 pandemic economic recovery subsides and global economic growth returns to a more moderate pace,” Mason said during S&P’s recent State of the Market: Mining Q2-21 webinar. The pipeline activity index levelled off in the second quarter as gains in significant drill results and positive project milestones were offset by a decrease in substantial financings, with the number of initial resource announcements unchanged.




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